
Emani Taylor Emani Taylor

Tenant Protections and Justice: The Importance of EvictionFree MKE

In a recent article from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Milwaukee landlord George Sessler was sentenced to probation for his role in a racketeering scheme that has profoundly impacted many of his tenants. One of those affected was a client of the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee's EvictionFree MKE initiative, which is dedicated to protecting tenants from unjust and harmful eviction practices.

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Brian Kemper Brian Kemper

What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy?

A Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can help you get rid of your debts quickly and easily. While the debt relief process seems simple enough, there are a lot of factors that go into this decision. In this blog post, we will explore some of those factors so that you can make an informed decision about filing for bankruptcy protection

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Brian Kemper Brian Kemper

Wills/Estate Planning: Answering Your Legal Questions

Estate planning is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your loved ones. It's also a task that many people put off until it's too late. But don't worry! We've compiled everything you need to know about estate planning in this article.

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Brian Kemper Brian Kemper

Understanding Guardians Ad Litem in the Court System

As a parent, you want the best for your child. You want to protect them and nurture them through life's ups and downs. You also want them to have access to all of their rights as a citizen of Wisconsin. But what happens when you are unable to make decisions for yourself? What happens when someone else is making decisions for you? What happens when the court needs input on how best to protect someone who cannot speak for himself or herself? In those cases, we can call upon our guardian ad litems!

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