Contact Us
We cannot respond to this form with legal advice. For specific legal questions and help, please complete our intake form or call (414) 727-5300 for more information.
If you’re looking for a specific member of the Legal Aid staff, please use the staff directory located below this form.
Staff Directory
Colleen Foley
Executive Director
cfoley@legalaidmke.comLinda Anick
lanick@legalaidmke.comTristen “Alex” Harper-King
tharper-king@legalaidmke.comBrian J. Kemper
Office Manager
bkemper@legalaidmke.comCaitlin Martin
Human Resources Manager
cmartin@legalaidmke.comSue Mouthey
Office Manager
smouthey@legalaidmke.comAisha Ware
Paralegal: RHRC -
Nicholas Toman
Managing Attorney
ntoman@legalaidmke.comTherese Armbruster
Resource Liaison
tarmbruster@legalaidmke.comLillian Cheesman
Staff Attorney
lcheesman@legalaidmke.comLuke Dremel
Staff Attorney
ldremel@legalaidmke.comMitchell Rickmeier
Staff Attorney
rrickmeier@legalaidmke.comNorma Guerra
nguerra@legalaidmke.comPedro Hernandez
Staff Attorney
phernandez@legalaidmke.comJoshua Kather
Staff Attorney
JKather@legalaidmke.comGilbert Malis
Staff Attorney
gmalis@legalaidmke.comCheyenne Rupert
Intake Specialist
crupert@legalaidmke.comFrancesca Voci
Staff Attorney
fvoci@legalaidmke.comMitchell T. Yurkowitz
Staff Attorney -
Riad El-Azem
Managing Attorney
rel-azem@legalaidmke.comMcKenzie Brewer
Staff Attorney
mbrewer@legalaidmke.comTyler Davis
Staff Attorney
jdavis@legalaidmke.comAlex Maron
Paralegal -
Kimberly Schreiber
Managing Attorney
kschreiber@legalaidmke.comSophia Flood Elyafi
Staff Attorney
selyafi@legalaidmke.comAszree Hill
ahill@legalaidmke.comJenna Proudfit
Staff Attorney
jproudfit@legalaidmke.comStephen Olson
Staff Attorney
solson@legalaidmke.comBrendaliz Valdes
Staff Attorney
bvaldes@legalaidmke.comAmy Sanchez
Assessment Professional
asanchez@legalaidmke.comAbby Tschimperle
Staff Attorney
atschimperle@legalaidmke.comMirian Velazquez
Legal Assistant -
Anne Marie Abell
Managing Attorney
aabell@legalaidmke.comCourtney Roelandts
Assistant Managing Attorney
croelandts@legalaidmke.comMonika August Allis
Staff Attorney
maugustallis@legalaidmke.comLisa Bennett
Legal Assistant
lbennett@legalaidmke.comAndrew Boden
Staff Attorney
aboden@legalaidmke.comMike Carter
Volunteer Attorney
mcarter@legalaidmke.comMary Castro
Staff Attorney
mcastro@legalaidmke.comMike Dubinski
Staff Attorney
mdubinski@legalaidmke.comChelsea Fischer
Staff Attorney
cfischer@legalaidmke.comMary Beth Geiger
Assessment Professional
mgeiger@legalaidmke.comGrace Hagerman
Staff Attorney
ghagerman@legalaidmke.comDavid Kachelski
Social Worker
dkachelski@legalaidmke.comBen Karasch
Staff Attorney
bkarasch@legalaidmke.comNichelle Keil
Assessment Professional
nkeil@legalaidmke.comJulian Lacera
Staff Attorney
jlacera@legalaidmke.comDonna Lee
Supervisor: Social Worker and Assessment Professionals
dlee@legalaidmke.comVasilia Mavraganis
Legal Assistant
vmavraganis@legalaidmke.comSue Mouthey
Office Manager
smouthey@legalaidmke.comYaneli Olmos
Assessment Professional
yolmos@legalaidmke.comAlyssa Paulus
Staff Attorney
apaulus@legalaidmke.comEzra Riley
Assessment Professional
eriley@legalaidmke.comLindsay Ruch
Staff Attorney
lruch@legalaidmke.comJim Santelle
Volunteer Attorney -
Jourdan Glenn
Managing Attorney
jglenn@legalaidmke.comTaylor Forman
Staff Attorney -
Anthony Garcia
Staff Attorney -
Angela Feliciano
Managing Attorney -
donate@legalaidmke.comEmployment Opportunities
employ@legalaidmke.comStudent Internships
aboden@legalaidmke.comVolunteer Opportunities
Our locations
Downtown Office
728 N. James Lovell Street Third Floor North Suite
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Tel: (414) 727-5300
Fax: (414) 291-5488
Hours: Mon–Fri, 8:30 AM–5:00 PM
Vel R. Phillips Youth and Family Justice Center
10201 Watertown Plank Road
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
Tel: (414) 257-7159
Fax: (414) 257-7742
Hours: Mon–Fri, 8:30 AM–5:00 PM
Southside Satellite Office
611 W. National Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53204
Tel: (414) 727-5300
Fax: (414) 291-5488
Hours: By appointment only
Important Notice
The mere act of contacting the Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Before being accepted as a client, you must complete our intake process so that we can: (1) assess your financial eligibility, (2) determine whether this is a case Legal Aid can handle, and (3) ensure that your case does not pose a conflict of interest with past or present clients. Read our Get Help guide to get started.