
The Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee provides free legal assistance to qualifying Milwaukee County residents with civil legal issues. Follow the intake process and get started.

Court Appointed Guardians ad Litem Services

Legal Aid represents children in need of protection and or services, and minors in cases of paternity, divorce, adoption, and termination of parental rights. These service are appointed by a judge.

Civil Division

Children’s Court Guardians Ad Litem (GALs)

Since 1970, the Legal Aid Society has provided guardians ad litem (“GAL”) representation primarily for at risk children.  Our Children’s Court attorneys represent children in guardianship cases, children in need of protection or services (“CHIPS”) and children in termination of parental rights (“TPR”) matters.  A GAL represents the interest of children in these cases, not the interest of either parent.

Family Court Guardians ad Litem (GALs)

A GAL is an attorney, licensed to practice law in Wisconsin. The GAL is court appointed to represent the legal best interests of the child as determined by the GAL through investigation and court process.

The GAL asserts a position in court representing the best interests of the child, but does not have any of the rights or duties of a parent or guardian.

A GAL is court appointed to represent the best interests of the child in Family Court when the parents cannot agree on placement and custody. GALs are appointed to represent the best interests of minor mothers or minor fathers in paternity cases, to represent a child born outside of a marriage, minors involved in child abuse restraining order cases, deceased alleged fathers involved in establishing paternity and incompetent adults involved in family court cases. GALs are appointed by a Family Court Commissioner or Judge acting alone or when asked by one of the parents or their attorneys.

The GALs role in representing the best interests of the children may involve negotiating settlements, discussing the case with both parents and ascertaining the child’s wishes, conducting informal and formal discovery and participating in all court proceedings as a party.

Cooperation by both parents with the GAL is required and leads to the best outcome in Family Court matters.

EvictionFree MKE

EvictionFree MKE is a program of the Legal Aid Society that provides eviction defense to tenants served with an eviction summons and complaint.

Go to the intake link to or call our intake specialists at (414 )892-RENT (7368).

Legal Aid also provides pre-eviction services, particularly regarding notices to quit or cure, conditions of the residence, lock-outs, and security deposits.

Consumer Protection Project

Legal Aid Society Milwaukee represents people in Milwaukee County who are faced with or consumer lawsuits and contract issues, including: 

  • Garnishments

  • Debt collection lawsuit

  • Student loan issues

  • Auto financing fraud

  • Repossessions

  • Medical Debt

  • Car purchase issues

Additionally, Legal Aid also handles Chapter 7 bankruptcy matters.

Legal Aid does not practice in the areas of tax or personal injury. 

Health & Wealth Team

Legal Aid's Health & Wealth team represents individuals in matters involving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) over payments and appeals . The Health & Wealth team also represents individuals in estate planning matters involving Wills, Health Care and Financial Powers of Attorney (POAs), and Final Disposition wishes. The Health & Wealth team engages in work at the intersection of civil and criminal legal work involving pardon applications.

Please contact Legal Aid at 414-727-5300 to get help with these issues.

Community Redevelopment Work

Legal Aid’s Community Redevelopment work focuses on near north and southside neighborhoods. Our neighborhood lawyers connect with residents where they live to provide legal services around matters involving housing security, business development, health and wealth matters, and much more.

Immigration Team

The Legal Aid society of Milwaukee recently launched an Immigration practice for those seeking a new beginning in Milwaukee. Legal Aid’s strategic focus will be asylum applications and work permit issuance, providing a pathway out of poverty through employment opportunities. Our south side satellite office in the Mercantile Building at 6th and National will serve as a neighborhood site for consultations.

Civil Rights

Legal Aid exercises discretion on litigation involving civil rights matters.

Our expertise includes:

  • The physical and mental health treatment of persons in the care of the Milwaukee County Jail and population caps

  • The care and custody of at-risk children

  • The rights of and remedies for individuals impacted by pervasive, discriminatory conduct by private or governmental entities.